2008-2018: To Celebrate its 10th Anniversary, ID4D Has Been Revamped!

published on 06 February 2018
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Climate, migration, education, inequalities...For 10 years, the “Ideas for Development -ID4D” blog is a forum for exchanges and reflection on all current development topics.

Launched in 2008 by Agence Française de Développement, ID4D has been driven by a strong commitment: promote an open and constructive debate on development.
Animated by AFD, the blog is open to all development actors: donors, ministry, local authorities, NGOs, private sector, researchers…

ID4D today has more than 350 authors and 1000 publications – op-ed, interviews, press reviews & Development News. With 10,000 unique visitors a month, ID4D has firmly established itself in the French-speaking and English-speaking international development community. 

To celebrate its 10th anniversary, ID4D has been revamped! A new version of the blog, more interactive and more dynamic has been online since this morning.
Come discover it! And do not hesitate to talk about ID4D around you and via social networks (@ID4D)!