Corporate Social Responsibility central to our project

published on 07 September 2017
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corporate social responsibility AFD
The Corporate Social Responsibility policy is a core component of AFD Group’s identity. Our Corporate Social Responsibility Report has been released every year since 2012 and meets the requirement of accountability, by enhancing the clarity and accessibility of information about the main social, environmental and governance issues of AFD and its subsidiary PROPARCO.

The Group’s most significant developments in this latest CSR Report include:

Dialogue and providing responses
In 2017, AFD launched its Environmental and Social Complaints Mechanism. It allows people affected from an environmental or social perspective by an AFD-funded project to submit a complaint, which will subsequently be handled by a panel of independent experts. It responds to strong demand from civil society and allows AFD to comply with the best practices of international donors.

AFD’s Opendata website was launched online in 2016. The scope of the publication of its data has been extended to all countries and territories of operation. It is now a single database on Official Development Assistance. 
In 2017, AFD also became a member of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IITA).

Gender equality
AFD Group is continuing to strengthen its process to integrate all the dimensions of sustainable development into the operations it finances. Over half the Group’s projects have gender equality as a main or secondary objective.