The economic growth and demographic explosion in Sub-Saharan Africa is directly linked to an increase in healthcare needs. Combating pandemics, treating chronic diseases and providing support for benign illnesses requires substantial investments that public authorities have difficulty providing. The challenge is colossal in a region that represents 16% of the world’s population but only 2% of healthcare expenditures.
To bridge this financial gap, Agence Française de Développement (AFD) supports Medical Credit Fund (MCF), a foundation created under Dutch law that provides assistance for a many small and mid-size healthcare centers located close to local communities. This is the case at Githurai, near Nairobi, Kenya, where AFD intervenes through a one-million-euro subvention and a three-million-euro loan.
MCF also supports foundation beneficiaries with the Safecare program that enables healthcare centers to achieve step-by-step improvement in their standards of hygiene. After an initial evaluation of the installation, MCF draws up a document that proposes solutions to gradually improve hygiene. The organization of these solutions in small increments is easy to manage and helps measure progress.
An example of the impetus that support from the foundation can provide are the new premises to be built in the near future. Looking beyond this next opening, Grace and John continue to dream. Their next challenge? Create a school of medicine at Githurai!