To mark the 60th anniversary of the partnership between AFD and Niger, a publication and an exhibition take a look back at this unique adventure and show rare images, a memory of our common history.

1958-2018: AFD has been supporting Niger for six decades. Drinking water, energy, education, but also health, transport, financial inclusion, industrialization, governance, urban development and rural territories... AFD works in all these sectors to improve the daily lives of people. 

60 years of activity alongside our Nigerien partners, with whom we work on a daily basis to create ties, build bridges, and (re)build lives. To date, EUR 600m – including EUR 120m in 2017 alone – have been committed for cities and rural areas.  

60 years of sharing via a hundred or so programs which have benefited Nigeriens seen through the zoom of Ollivier Girard: through the prism of photos from yesterday and today, the photographer takes us back to the origins of a history in common. As we look at the images, which are real historical testimonies, Niger takes shape, grows and develops. We are proud to contribute to this.

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Niger, 60 ans
Education a priority
Caisse Française de Développement became Agence Française de Développement (AFD) in 1998. Since the 2000s, AFD has been financing social sectors, with a focus on education. Without education, there is neither peace nor a future for youth.
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Developing industrial sectors
In the 1970s, Caisse Centrale de Coopération Economique was a major contributor to financing the development of industrial sectors. The creation of Nitex – now Sonitextil – is an example of this.
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Water and energy at the center of action
In addition to education, AFD’s largest commitments are for investments in the water and energy sectors. Without water, there is neither agriculture nor food security. These investments include the Goudel plant and a number of water towers in Niamey, such as those in Yantala (above).
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Investments in telecoms
Caisse Centrale de Coopération Economique diversified its support for Niger’s investments in the late 1970s, with a focus on telecommunications, by extending the terrestrial and television networks to the schools which existed at the time.
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Energy: the sustainable future
Without energy, there is no economic and social development. AFD is helping the Nigerien Electricity Company (Nigelec) increase its generation and distribution capacity, with a focus on the peri-urban and rural sectors.
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Agriculture and livestock raising
The diversification of Caisse Centrale de Coopération Economique’s support to Niger’s productive sectors continued in the 1980s, with a focus on the agriculture and livestock raising sectors.
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Economic development
In 1980, Caisse Centrale de Coopération Economique financed the construction of the Gaweye hotel complex in Niamey.
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The infrastructure period
AFD, formerly Caisse Centrale de Coopération Economique, started supporting Niger in 1958 with the construction of power and drinking water supply infrastructure for the capital Niamey.
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Niamey’s expansion
In 1992, Caisse Centrale de Coopération Economique became Caisse Française de Développement. It financed investments in the expansion of the capital, including certain paved roads, for example, in the Bosso and Malibero neighborhoods.
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The transport challenge
In the 1960s, Caisse Centrale de Coopération Economique stepped up its support for the modernization of Niger and its transport Network, including the tramway in Niamey.