Crisis and Post-Crisis Call for Projects

“Neighborhood Approach” Program for Vulnerable Neighborhoods: Local Development, Social Cohesion, Urban Services

Agence Française de Développement is willing to finance international and national Lebanese non profit organizations to implement a program aiming at improving local development, access to urban services, and strengthening social cohesion and addressing gender inequalities in several vulnerable urban neighborhoods in Lebanon impacted by the Syrian crisis. This project will be funded through AFD Minka Middle East Initiative and Denmark’s development cooperation (DANIDA) grant.
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Call for projects “Neighborhood approach” program for vulnerable neighborhoods: local development, social cohesion, urban services

The call for proposals

Eligible project holders:

All Non Profit Organizations – International and National Lebanese Civil Society Organizations, International and National Non-Governmental Organizations, UN agencies, non-profit private entities

Geography of the project:

Vulnerable neighborhoods impacted by the Syrian crisis in Lebanon located in three eligible cities: Greater Beirut, Tripoli and Saida 

Sectors of activities:

Local development, access to urban services/infrastructures, reinforcing municipal services, socio-economic inclusion

Available funds:  

10.748.941€  (grant)

Duration of the project:

Duration estimated to 3 to 4 years


  • Opening of the call of proposals: May, 17th 2022 (17/05/2022)
  • Deadline for clarification requests: June, 23rd 2022 (23/06/2022)
  • Deadline for answering clarification requests: June, 28th 2022 (28/06/2022)
  • Closing of the call of proposals: At the latest by 12 pm, Paris time, on July 4th 2022 (04/07/2022)

Submit a project

  1. Download the file of the call for projects and its appendixes
  2. Fill in your proposal according to the instructions given in the call for proposals
  3. Send your proposal by e-mail to the contacts indicated in the call for proposals

Proposals can be written in French or English.


All questions and respective answers will be shared in the Q&A section.