The Call for Proposals is aimed for organizations (international organizations, international and national NGOs, CBOs, CSOs) looking to implement an Urban Fabric Initiative (UFI) in the Greater Monrovia, Liberia.
UFIs are small-scale public space upgrading and community infrastructure projects co-designed and co-produced by residents and urban stakeholders, in the framework of urban projects funded by AFD. To date, AFD has funded UFIs in Burkina Faso, Tunisia, Senegal, Ivory Coast and Kenya, all of which are part of a specific network (the “UFI Network”).
The UFI targeted through this Call is the first initiative of this kind in Liberia designed in the framework of the Monrovia Integrated Development Project (MIDP). It will be implemented in close collaboration with local and national authorities (especially the Ministry of Public Works, Monrovia City Council, Paynesville City Council). If successful, the approach may be replicated to other communities in the Greater Monrovia.
About the MIDP:
The Monrovia Integrated Development Project (MIDP) developed by the Liberian authorities with the support of AFD aims to improve the living conditions of populations by reducing their vulnerability to the effects of climate change and to strengthen urban management capacities. The financing provided by AFD (EUR 10 Million) will support the implementation of the MIDP project in the three neighborhoods of Lakpazee (Monrovia), Woodcamp (Paynesville) and Shoe factory (Township of Gardnersville), through the improvement of:
- Access to basic services, soft mobility infrastructures and quality public spaces adapted and resilient to the effects of climate change;
- Capacities of local actors to manage infrastructures and facilities in a sustainable manner and to anticipate the risks associated with climate change.
Planned over a period of 4 years, the MIDP is structured around two main components:
- Construction and rehabilitation of public facilities and infrastructure adapted to the effects of climate change.
- Capacity building for operation and maintenance and risk anticipation.
The MIDP is implemented through a dedicated Project Management Unit, hosted by the Ministry of Public Works and will be officially launched in May 2023.
From AFD and MPW perspective, the UFI is considered as a first phase of the MIDP that shall:
- Support the implementation of a community based participatory approach in order to ensure the choice of technical solutions and organization arrangements that are the most suitable to the local context;
- Provide quick win activities on the sites targeted by the project, especially related to adaptation of public spaces, equipment and communities to climate change.
Purpose of the MIDP-UFI:
The UFI aims to promote innovation in the adaptation of public spaces and community facilities to the climate change effects, by associating local communities and promoting local resources.
The Applicants to this Call for Initiative shall submit a proposal for the global animation of the UFI project, i.e. allow the emergence and the realization of temporary or transient micro-projects carried or concerted with the actors of the civil society, with the aim of supporting the preparation, the appropriation and the sustainability of the future infrastructures of the MIDP, with a sought-after effect of replicability and subsequent training in terms of the conduct of urban projects in partnership.
Geographical Areas:
The UFI shall implement activities and/or microprojects in the three neighborhoods of Lakpazee, WoodCamp and Shoe Factory benefiting from the MIDP activities.
In each neighborhood, UFI activities and micro-projects shall be implemented on at least one Community Corner site to be developed under MIDP.
Sectors of activity concerned:
UFIs combine temporary urbanism and placemaking approaches with a focus on public space upgrading (testing street furniture, greening,…), improved walkability (testing pedestrian traffic on a crossroads, materializing public transport stops) or community infrastructure (a stage, mobile library on a future cultural facility site, ...). In the long term, UFIs are intended to shift the methods employed in urban projects towards more participation, agility, improved governance with civil society and a better integration of residents’ needs, particularly regarding the functional programming and design of the facilities to be delivered.
Examples of micro-projects and urban upgrading initiatives that could emerge from the UFI:
- Development of spaces dedicated to future sports facilities and organization of sports events;
- Building of Community Hall integrating bio-climatic standards;
- Facilitation of cultural and artistic events in the public space and in the spaces dedicated to the future cultural facilities;
- Development of (multipurpose) public or green spaces (prefiguration of the sports trail with the residents, temporary development of a recreational garden with recycled materials, spaces mixing economic and recreational uses);
- Installation of permanent, temporary or mobile equipment and facilities (a kiosk or food stall for example);
- Citizen digital communication tools for the management of the neighborhood;
- Waste management and recycling facilities.
Available Budget:
AFD has an estimated budget of EUROS 900 000 for the UFI.
Project Duration:
The UFI shall be implemented in a maximum period of 36 months.
Eligible proposals proponents:
The Urban Fabric Initiative "UFI" Call for Proposals ("the Call") aims to identify and grant funding to a development project led by organizations defined as:
- international and national organizations, alone or in partnership with other organizations, particularly local ones;
- with previous experience in the Greater Monrovia;
- with experience in implementing projects related to urban development, urban mobility, urban governance and/or urban innovation ;
- able to demonstrate their ability to manage, coordinate and implement large scale/ complex projects.
This Call is open to International Organizations, CSOs and CBOs.
Applicants must provide evidence of partnerships with local organizations for the implementation of the project presented, through a methodology presenting their potential partners. In this case, the activities and estimated remuneration of each organization must be explicitly stated for each project component.
To be eligible, the organization or the consortium leader will have to ensure that the budget of the submitted project should not represent more than 70% of their annual resources over the last 3 certified financial years.