Régis Marodon


Special Advisor on Sustainable Finance
Sustainable finance, development banks, economic development, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), financing for development


Régis Marodon is senior advisor on sustainable finance at Agence Française de Développement (AFD). 

A doctor of economics, he joined AFD in 1989, where he held operational positions in many African, Mediterranean and Latin American countries. He was successively director for Turkey, Mexico and Latin America. 

Since 2019, Régis Marodon has been working at AFD's Research Department and participates in numerous international networks on this topic. In particular, he works on the role of public development banks (PDBs) in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as on the use of artificial intelligence to serve the SDGs.

AFD publications

Other publications
  • "How much does a bee cost? Graphic novel on the economics of biodiversity and climate 2023" (in the process of publication, also available in French)
  • Financing Our Common Futurealso published in French, Turkish, Arabic and Chinese, Lars Müller Edition, 2020.
  • Development and Public Banks, co-editor and author, Routledge, 2022.
Recent papers
Opinion columns