Adama Mariko
Appointed Deputy Director for Mobilization, Partnerships and Communication of AFD, Adama Mariko joined Finance in Common as Secretary General of the global movement, in mid-2021.
Previously, Adama, as member of AFD’s Management Board was in charge of Financial Strategy, Performance and capital planning.
After a first experience in investment banking, Adama joined AFD Group in 2009 to serve the general interest and international cooperation. He has worked on field operations in West Africa, and in the Indian Ocean where he served as deputy director in AFD branch in La Réunion. He also served at the Paris headquarter in both the Finance and Risk departments. Adama graduated in Finance from Paris-Dauphine and holds a Master in Public Administration from Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA).
- Agefi I Adama Mariko (AFD): "The IMF and the World Bank must see public banks as a support" (October 2023)
- Novethic | Adama Mariko de Finance in Common : "Sur le climat, les banques publiques de développement doivent se faire entendre sur l'échiquier mondial" (octobre 2022)
- La Tribune | Sommet Finance en Commun : Adama Mariko veut décloisonner les ressources financières mondiales (novembre 2022)
- Novethic | En Colombie, les banques publiques se réunissent pour renforcer leur rôle dans la finance mondiale (septembre 2023)