AFD & KfW activities in the context of Loss and Damage - Position paper
Rebalancing access to healthcare by implementing an e-health strategy in public hospitals
The Tunisian Ministry of Health is modernizing its health information system. It is doing so by exploiting the potential of telemedicine with the aim of contributing to rebalancing access to public health between territories. In the context of the “Digital Tunisia” National Strategic Plan, the...
The distributional impact of development cooperation projects
Populations' behavior analysis toward Covid-19 safety measures: Evidence from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia
GEMMES Tunisia: Investigating the impact of hydric stress on agriculture, water cycle and the economy
Strong sustainability, the principle that our natural resources are critical and cannot be replaced by any other form of capital, is enjoying a resurgence in development thinking. It’s a riposte to the notion that physical capital, such as machinery or technological advances can be a substitute...
Some entrepreneurs sought to fight pollution; for others the goal was to promote inclusion. In their own ways, they have all taken action. The four winners of North Africa’s first call for proposals in “Shared Innovation” have put forward cutting-edge solutions to promote sustainable development...
Depolluting the Mediterranean
The Mediterranean is a semi-enclosed sea with a rich biodiversity and is a major crossroads for trade. It is subject to intense pressure. The project aims to preserve the quality of water on Tunisia’s Mediterranean coast. Populations will also benefit from access to an effective sanitation...
From 10 to 12 July, Agence Française de Développement organized its second summer school devoted to the GEMMES economic modelling tool. It gathered 23 researchers and economists from around the world. The objective: adapt the tool in six countries – Brazil, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Morocco,...
Creating Access to Agricultural Finance - Based on a horizontal study of Cambodia, Mali, Senegal, Tanzania, Thailand and Tunisia
AFD Group and Europe in North Africa
Urban Projects Finance Initiative (UPFI)
Inequalities in Tunisia: what role for inherited human capital and social capital?
North Africa - 2021-2025 Regional Strategy
Many young graduates with training in new technologies from higher institutes of technology (ISET) remain unemployed. The paradox is that companies within the sector are struggling to hire employees. The ELIFE project, sponsored by the Tunisia Foundation for Development (FTD) with support from...
In Africa, making the digital transition is one of the challenges facing emerging and developing cities. To achieve this objective, AFD is supporting 12 African cities with technical assistance. In the African Smart Towns Network (ASToN), they are developing digital practices together to create...