Minka Fund: a pioneering fund run by AFD and the French government to address questions of gender and gender-based violence in crisis zones.
In 2023, nearly 100% of Minka projects helped boost gender equality, and for 25% of projects, gender equality was their principal objective,...
The Minka Peace and Resilience Fund is AFD's peacebuilding tool dedicated to territories affected by crises or violent conflicts. Positioned on the humanitarian-...
Progress made in development is under threat from increasingly complex crises. To deal with this problem, Team France created a funding tool dedicated to peacebuilding: the Minka Peace and Resilience Fund. How can we ensure the...
Over the past decade, the deterioration of the security situation has profoundly destabilized the Central Sahel, with spillover effects throughout the region and even beyond. Weakened social cohesion has led to increasingly violent and uncontrolled conflict. In addition, the political turmoil...
More than 3 billion people live in contexts that are highly vulnerable to climate change (IPCC, 2022). Yet, adapting to the impacts of climate change remains a complex process: multiple sectors as well as a wide range of social,...
The Minka Peace and Resilience Fund, implemented by AFD, is dedicated to medium and long-term financing operations in regions affected by crisis or violent conflict. The Minka...
Fragility and conflict are the main lenses through which Sahelian issues are most often viewed. However, the crystallization of the debate around these issues, real as they are, leads to a narrowing of analyses, whereas the truth is that the region is also seeing positive trends. Even as it...
Located in semi-arid zones in Niger, the oasis basins in Gouré department are threatened by desertification. These islands of crops are essential for the lives of local residents. This project is called PASAM: a project supporting household food security.
It is supported by Agence...
Education and training can help drive escapes from poverty, and education policy needs to understand and deal with each barrier to this goal. Govern-ment and donors need to allocate in-creased budgets to reduce barriers to youth labour inclusion via education.
Niger’s 10-year focus on youth entre-preneurship has achieved limited results. It needs to be better funded, coordinated and complemented by a more holistic industrial policy and si-gnificant improvements in education.
Migration is a major livelihood strate-gy for young men in Niger, with the potential to aid household escapes from poverty. However, there are obstacles to achieving sustained poverty escapes that need to be accounted for in tailoring policies in favour of youth.
This article briefly explores how to combine two qualitative methodologies to inspect the topic of youth inclusion in Niger via a mixed methods analysis. It presents the ethnographic approach developed by LASDEL’s social anthropological qualitative methodology and the CPAN’s critical realist...
This paper uses a mixed methods approach to identify factors that challenge and enable young adults’ inclusion in the world of work in Niger, through a gender-streamlined analysis of different poverty trajectories of livelihoods and how these are affected by training, education and migration. We...
The Greater Sahel region was once a prosperous region in Africa. The region is clearly defined by its geography and climate. It also has the lowest GDP per capita of all the six African regions identified by AFD.
Over the past...
As crises become longer and more complex, AFD Group has made a key commitment to sustainable peace, the climate and social cohesion. This commitment is part of France’s...
Rapid population growth, poorly planned urbanization, and evolving agricultural production and distribution practices are changing foodways in African cities and creating challenges: Africans are increasingly facing hunger, undernutrition, and malnutrition. Yet change also creates new...
With the Multidimensional Inequality Framework and the capabilities approach as its theoretical underpinning, this research shows that strong similarities in the expressions of inequalities exist in different domains of life in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Niger and Senegal. Inequalities depending...
Reducing economic and social inequalities in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Niger, and Senegal requires a set of policies clearly focused on the most remote areas of these countries and the particular challenges facing women, young people, and minority groups. New research on inequalities across six...