Advancing the Inequality Agenda Through Collaborative Research
The call for research proposals opens on March 23rd, 2023, until May 5th, 2023.
As part of its work, the Research Facility EU-AFD on Inequalities established the Strategic Committee on Inequalities in 2017 to facilitate the interactions and sharing of knowledge and experiences among EU Member States donors, as well as Switzerland, Norway and Iceland, academia and civil society on the topic of inequalities.
This call for research proposals represents an output of the Strategic Committee. The projects that will be selected will therefore be conducted under the supervision of its members.
The research questions envisaged include the following topics:
Please note that projects should feed into one of these topics, not all.
Each proposal should be for a maximum of EUR 15.000 (all taxes included) and for a period of maximum one year since the signature of the contract (with the Agence française de développement as the implementing agency of the EU-AFD Research Facility on Inequalites).
The outputs of the call for proposals will advance the evidence base and understanding of these different inequality dimensions. It will also serve to inform the consultations and policy dialogue between the European Commission and like-minded Member States that are considering the development of a Global Team Europe Approach on Inequality.
Please note that we reserve the right to exclude proposals that are not consistent with the “Guidelines for submission” (part 6 of the ToR’s of the call for research proposals).
Proposals must be written in English.
Do you have a question about your application? Our team is at your disposal: