The Center for Global Development (CGD) is a research center created in the United States in 2001. Its mission is to contribute to changing the policies and practices of rich countries and powerful institutions, in order to reduce poverty and inequalities in the world.
To do so, it makes use of independent and authoritative research to develop new knowledge and practical solutions. Thanks to creative communication and awareness raising, CGD collaborates with decision-makers, practitioners, opinion leaders, the media, and committed citizens to transform ideas into actions.
CDG, which opened a European office in London in 2011, has acquired its international reputation in particular through its role in promoting debt-reduction initiatives, its program to encourage vaccination against pneumonia (advance market commitments for vaccines), and its “Cash on Delivery Aid” initiative, a new aid approach that focuses on results, encourages innovation, and strengthens government accountability to citizens rather than donors.
AFD is involved in several projects and has been participating for about the last 10 years in the regular holding of the “Migration and Development” academic conferences.
Since 2003, CGD has been publishing the Commitment to Development Index (CDI) annually. This index ranks 27 rich countries, members of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the OECD, in terms of the coherence and quality of their development policies targeting poorer nations. It covers seven dimensions: quality of aid, trade, financial flows (investments), migration, environment, security, and technology. The annual revision of the index, carried out by the London office, is the occasion for the meeting of the consortium of members, which AFD joined in 2014.