Eurasia and Beyond

- Enlargement and European Neighborhood Regional Office
- Middle East Regional Office
- South Asia Regional Office
- China Regional Office
- Southeast Asia Regional Office
Enlargement and European Neighborhood Regional Office
Middle East Regional Office
South Asia Regional Office
China Regional Office
Southeast Asia Regional Office
Countries in Asia and the Middle East are characterized by the diversity of their development trajectories. Asian countries are faced with the major internal challenges of redressing the balance between regions and the transition towards a model based on the middle classes and domestic demand. In China, the new Silk Road (Belt and Road Initiative – BRI – strategy), could in the future reinforce links across the sub-regions. In the Near and Middle East, the social and political integration of young people and women is now more than ever essential to the development and stability of the region.
To support countries in the region, AFD Group engages in dialogue and sharing models and mutual experiences. The objective of the Group’s action is to contribute to strengthening social cohesion, by reducing inequality and fulfilling the social protection expectations of the middle classes. We also support transitions towards low-carbon models, the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity, and the promotion of sustainable cities to facilitate the implementation of the Paris Agreement.