- Encouraging the energy transition
- Guidance for urban development
- Looking beyond Bangkok
Encouraging the energy transition
Guidance for urban development
Looking beyond Bangkok
Thailand is one of the world's emerging countries. It enjoys constant growth despite an unstable political situation and is the second-largest economy of Southeast Asia (the fourth-largest economy in terms of per-capita GNP).
To maintain growth while reducing social inequalities, the country has chosen to invest in infastructure, innovation, health, education and the preservation of the environment. And the government is implementing significant regulatory reforms.
AFD has been present in the country since 2004. Our action is focused on two areas: combating climate change and protecting the environment.
AFD's Thailand office is directly attached to the Southeast Asia regional office.
News & Events
AFD Group and Europe in Southeast Asia
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...Southeast Asia - 2020-2024 Regional Strategy
AFD Group’s regional strategy for Southeast Asia aligns with the priorities of French development
...Encouraging green finance: AFD's offer to public banks
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...AFD and Thailand
Thailand, Southeast Asia’s second-largest economy, is an emerging country. But it faces a three-fo
...Tracking the Path of Ocean Plastic Pollution in Southeast Asia
Insights from modelling and monitoring the circulation of marine debris in Indonesia
Southeast As
...Flooding: Prevention as the Best Option
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...Environmental Inequalities in the Mekong River Basin: A systematic mapping of existing knowledge
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...Inequalities and environmental changes in the Mekong region: A systematic mapping
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...Developing green mobility in Phuket (short version)
In Phuket, the Sustainable Urban TranspoRT and Heritage (SUTRHE) study, funded by the Agence França