Our commitments to

Combating corruption

As a stakeholder in the French government’s public policy on solidarity and sustainable investment for developing and emerging countries and France’s Overseas Territories, AFD Group pays particular attention to ensure that its financing is properly allocated and that such funds are used for their intended purpose.
The Group promotes the highest norms and standards of integrity: fair business practices, financial transparency and zero tolerance towards fraud and corruption.
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Our Commitments to Combating Corruption


AFD Group has a general policy which covers prevention, detection and the measures to take against any act of corruption, fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing and anti-competitive practices that may jeopardize its activities or operations, hereinafter referred to as “Prohibited Practice”.

Preventing and fighting against any prohibited practice are core issues for the Group’s mandate and strategic directions.

All AFD Group’s financial partners (clients, beneficiaries, service providers, implementing partners), officers (including members of COMEX and Executive Management) and Board members contribute to promoting these values and respecting these commitments.



United Nations General Assembly is holding a special session on the “Challenges and measures to prevent and combat corruption and strengthen international cooperation,” on June 2 to 4, 2021, in New York. During the session, the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs presented France’s anti-corruption strategy in its cooperation activities.

The document on this strategy was drafted in consultation with all the French institutions concerned, including AFD Group. The new strategy is designed to support France in its work toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular Goal 16 on building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. It is fully in line with AFD Group’s commitments to prevent and fight prohibited practices.


Why contact us? 

Any person who has relevant information or suspicions relating to fraud, corruption or any other prohibited practice in connection with projects or activities financed by AFD Group or involving AFD Group employees should contact us immediately.

To whom should I report prohibited practice at AFD Group?

You should contact the AFD Group Investigations Function. This function:

  • is responsible for receiving all reports of prohibited practice, including allegations of fraud or corruption related to projects or activities financed by AFD Group or involving AFD Group employees;
  • is primarily responsible for conducting independent investigations into reports of corruption, fraud and other prohibited practices committed in connection with operations financed by AFD Group or AFD Group activities.

The Investigations Function conducts its investigations in accordance with the Guidelines for the Conduct of Investigations

How do I contact the AFD Group Investigations Function?

When contacting the AFD Group Investigations Function, please be as specific as possible and ensure to answer the following questions:

  • What type of conduct are you reporting and how does it constitute prohibited practice?
  • Does the conduct being reported concern a project financed by one of AFD Group’s corporate entities? If so, which one?
  • Where and when did the incident occur (dates and times if possible, as well as the location of incidents, i.e. the country/city and site)?
  • Who is the alleged perpetrator?
  • How did the individual or company/organization commit the alleged prohibited practice?