Western Balkans

- Promoting sustainable economic and political models
- Encouraging resilience and urban adaptations
- Sustainably managing territories and preserving natural resources
- Supporting the energy transition
Promoting sustainable economic and political models
Encouraging resilience and urban adaptations
Sustainably managing territories and preserving natural resources
Supporting the energy transition
Located in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe and surrounded by European Union (EU) member countries, the six Western Balkan countries are fledgling States experiencing profound political and economic changes. In terms of economic development, their situations vary: they rank between the 48th and 82nd place in the Human Development Index, and all had relatively high growth rates prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Today, Western Balkan countries are working to overcome their differences of the past, and focusing on their common values and heritage to build towards reconciliation. They are looking towards the European Union, for which an accession procedure is underway in Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.
Joining the European Union requires undertaking sustainable reforms to firmly root the EU’s democratic values and legal standards in their political and economic systems.
Taking a sustainable and just development path poses major challenges, in particular in terms of education, migration, addressing inequality, infrastructure and strengthening the rule of law. It is becoming increasingly important to integrate the fight against climate change in public policy.
AFD is assisting Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia with their political, economic and social transformations towards EU standards and is supporting the implementation of their climate commitments.
AFD's Western Balkans office is directly attached to the Eurasia regional office in Istanbul.
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