Gender Equality
The reduction of gender inequality and education, and the empowerment of women and girls are central to our strategy. As a resolutely feminist institution, we take gender issues into account in all the projects we support, and defend gender equality as part of our 100% social link strategy.

- Putting Gender at the Heart of Our Strategy
- Promoting Equal and Sustainable Development
- Accounting for Gender in all of our Actions
- Creating a Support Fund for Women's Organizations
- Supporting the Global Coalition of Development Banks
- AFD Gender Expertise
Putting Gender at the Heart of Our Strategy
Promoting Equal and Sustainable Development
Accounting for Gender in all of our Actions
Creating a Support Fund for Women's Organizations
Supporting the Global Coalition of Development Banks
AFD Gender Expertise
Gender equality is still far from being achieved. The figures speak for themselves: 70% of people living on less than a dollar a day are women, as are two-thirds of illiterates. In certain countries, 50% of women are victims of violence. Women produce 50% of food and two-thirds of global labor, but only earn 10% of incomes. Women are discriminated against in all areas of society: employment, education, health, governance. Yet they contribute to the development of countries through their work. A number of studies have demonstrated that reducing gender inequalities contributes to the equitable and sustainable development of countries.
Since 2013, AFD promotes gender equality in all the sectors and countries where it operates. It finances projects which specifically focus on reducing inequality, by increasing access to basic services, combating violence against women, improving access to the labor market and via the participation of women in good governance.
AFD has consequently developed a specific range of projects/products for gender equality. It has made a commitment that 100% of funded projects will seek to improve gender equality.