Education and Training
AFD supports equitable access to high-quality education and training, from primary school through to higher education and vocational training.
- Supporting equitable access to basic education
- Improving policies and mechanisms for education and training
- Supporting higher education and research
- Developing effective, participatory frameworks for governance
- Creating resilient individuals and systems
- Facilitating transitions
Supporting equitable access to basic education
Improving policies and mechanisms for education and training
Supporting higher education and research
Developing effective, participatory frameworks for governance
Creating resilient individuals and systems
Facilitating transitions
Through Sustainable Development Goal 4, the international community has committed to “ensure inclusive and equitable education and promote lifelong opportunities for all.” Despite progress in education rates over the past 15 years, there is still work to be done. In 2017, 64 million elementary school-age children were not in school, and 750 million adults were illiterate.
To address this situation, AFD acts across an educational continuum by:
- building basic skills via equitable access to quality basic education
- developing professional and crosscutting skills through training and employment policies and mechanisms
- stimulating research and innovation capacity by overhauling the higher education and research services on offer.
AFD is committed to reinforcing its systematic involvement in the country, in particular via program-based approaches aligned with national sector-specific policies. It mobilizes expertise, co-financing, and delegations from its partners (European Union, Global Partnership for Education, Sahel Alliance), promoting coalitions of players both within France and internationally (for example, the APPRENDRE expertise platform)