
Located in the heart of the Sahel, Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world. Landlocked and subject to extreme weather, the country currently faces the challenges of high population growth and regional insecurity problems. Nonetheless, Niger boasts a number of assets, with abundant natural resources and high potential in the agricultural sector. AFD is providing support to Niger in priority sectors: food security and rural development, education, water and energy.
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Niger school girls
AFD and Niger: reducing poverty and promoting education for young people
landscape Niger

Preventing conflicts and supporting the rule of law

Governance, Niger

Preventing conflicts and supporting the rule of law

The current security crisis has undermined the capacity of the Nigerien State to carry out its governing duties. To strengthen the governance of public institutions and assist the nationwide deployment of the State, AFD is financing a project to support the justice system and a project to support the State and public services, with a focus on vulnerable areas (Diffa and Tillabéri).

AFD has also undertaken to support the domestic resource mobilization component of the public finance reform, with a €30 million policy-based grant and a technical assistance project.

Improving access to education and healthcare

Health system strengthening, Niger

Improving access to education and healthcare

Population growth poses a major challenge in Niger, especially in terms of access to education. To address this challenge, AFD is assisting the Government of Niger with the implementation of its education policy. Our position is based on a dual program-and-project approach. Our programs support the entire education system through partnerships via the Education Sector Common Fund (FSCE). In addition, our projects provide financing in crisis areas or for innovative operations to prepare responses to the country’s development challenges. AFD is also financing two vocational projects in the Diffa region and the Agadez region.

In terms of health, Niger’s healthcare system does not have sufficient resources to meet the needs of the population. Limited access to healthcare facilities, the wide disparity in services between urban and rural areas and the shortage of human resources seriously undermine healthcare provision. AFD has always provided continuous support in areas such as maternal and child healthcare, and access to sexual and reproductive health rights. This support is mainly provided through the Common Health Fund, set up in 2006 by AFD and the World Bank.

Increasing access to water and energy

Supporting regional economic development, Niger

Increasing access to water and energy

Situated in the heart of the Sahel, Niger is a desert country. Access to water is hindered by the marked lack of dedicated infrastructure. In addition, there are major disparities between urban and rural areas. To address the major challenges facing the sector, in 2017, Niger adopted programs to increase access to water and sanitation. To support these policies, AFD has provided several grants to the Niger Water Heritage Company (SPEN) and Ministry of Water Resources, respectively for drinking water in Niamey and in the city of Tillabéri.

In terms of energy, the country has significant potential, but less than 20% of households have access to electricity. To address a growing energy demand, the country has launched major power generation and distribution projects. The objective is to diversify the energy mix of electricity production and secure the supply. AFD is supporting the development of the energy sector, with a focus on renewable energy through generation, extension and management projects for power grids in urban and rural areas (hybrid power plant in Agadez, solar power plant in Gorou Banda).

Taking action on food security and promoting rural development

food security, Niger

Taking action on food security and promoting rural development

In Niger, the malnutrition rate is particularly high: 15% of children under the age of 5 suffer from acute malnutrition. In 2012, the Government of Niger adopted a strategic framework for Food and Nutritional Security and Sustainable Agricultural Development (SAN/DAD), known as the 3N Initiative: “Nigeriens nourishing Nigeriens”. The objective for 2035 is to ensure that the country's inhabitants are protected from hunger and malnutrition over the long term and to provide them with opportunities to work and increase their income.

With 16 projects currently underway (11 national projects amounting to €180 million and 5 regional projects for €40 million), AFD is helping to improve food security in almost all of Niger's regions, through:

  • Local and territorial development
  • Natural resource management and the development of production in the agro-sylvo-pastoral sector
  • Institutional support for operators involved in the prevention and management of food crises
+ 65
years, AFD a partner of the Republic of Niger
+ 1
million people benefited from improved access to electricity in 2021
+ 2
million people benefited from an improved drinking water service in 2021

Situated in the heart of the Sahel, Niger is a vast, landlocked desert country, covering over a million square kilometers. Its population of 20 million is growing at 3.7% per year: one of the highest rates in the world.

As one of the least advanced countries in the world in terms of human development, it is essential that Niger ramp up its development strategy, amid the complex security crisis in the Sahel (Tillabéri and Diffa) and the effects of climate change. The country is facing many challenges: it must provide its people with access to essential services and prepare its youth to enter the job market. 

Nonetheless, Niger boasts a number of assets, with its enduring sense of national unity, abundant natural resources and high potential in the agricultural sector, as well as an international community ready to rally in support.

AFD has been a key partner in Niger for 65 years. It has made access to basic services a top priority: water, energy, health care, education and employment, to ensure a brighter future for young Nigeriens, while at the same time working to improve food security, strengthen governance and modernize the State.

AFD's Niger office is directly attached to the Greater Sahel regional office in Ouagadougou.

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