Feminist organizations support fund (FSOF)

Call for proposals "gender-based violence and justice”

This call for projects aims to select two CSO consortium that, one in Latin America and one in Africa, will create and implement a financing mechanism (intermediated fund) for feminist CSOs active locally in 4 countries respectively. The general objective is to support the action of feminist CSOs from partner countries of France’s international development and solidarity policy. The theme of this call is the fight against gender-based violence and access to justice.
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The call for projects is open until June 5, 2024 at 8am from Paris.

The call for projects

Eligible project leaders: 

  • National or international, structured in consortium, and working in partnership with structures, particularly local;
  • Meeting the definition specified in the FSOF Strategic Framework, namely “Feminist civil society organisations in all their diversity, formally or not, whose objective is to act in favour of gender equality and to sustainably transform gender-based social relations, and especially those whose main mission is the defence and promotion of effective rights and the empowerment of women and girls.”
  • With proven expertise in the GBV sector and access to justice.
  • With experience in leading transformational gender frameworks, in the area of rights-based approach, using an inclusive approach that takes into account factors of multidimensional inequalities; 
  • Previous experience in partnering with civil society feminist organizations, networking and financing their activities;
  • Having the capacity to deploy communication channels with local and community CSOs in various contexts;
  • With expertise in building community capacity and civil society organizations, and identifying good practices;
  • Previous experience in action research/capitalization (intellectual production, south-south knowledge sharing) /advocacy, influence and political action;
  • Having a detailed knowledge of the ecosystems of the countries of intervention proposed;
  • With proven administrative and financial management capabilities in multiple and varied geographical areas;
  • Having operational capacities/ management of multi-stakeholder projects, including in remote areas.

This call is open to national and international non-profit organizations, civil society organizations (CSOs) from all countries of the world.

The lead organisation of the consortium applying for a lot must have an annual budget of more than €1.4 million (for a 4-year project). This criterion is not applicable to consortium members.

Geography: Latin America and Africa
Sectors concerned: Gender-based violence and justice
Budget available: Each regional lot has a budget of € 3.92M
Project duration: 4 years



  • Opening of the call for projects: 10/04/2024
  • Deadline for requests for clarification: 25/04/2024
  • Closing of the call for projects: 05/06/2024


Submit a project

  1. Download the call for projects dossier 
    Please note: only the call for projects dossier in French is legally binding, documents circulated prior to the launch of the PAA or documents translated into English are not contractual.
  2. Fill in the online form with the attachements

Contact us

Do you have a question about your application? Our team is at your disposal: