


  • -Tout-
  • Just Energy Transition (JET)
  • PeA programme « Academia partnerships Africa-France»
  • Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Crises and conflicts
  • Education for Citizenship and International Solidarity
  • Financial Systems
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Education and Training
  • Gender Equality
  • Energy
  • Employment
  • Decent Work
  • Governance
  • Cultural and Creative Industries
  • Infrastructure
  • Fighting Inequalities
  • Mobility and transport
  • Digital and Innovation
  • Health and Social Protection
  • Social and Inclusive Business
  • Sports and Development
  • Sustainable Cities
On the Ground

Using AI to improve language learning in Senegal

Senegal application langue français intelligence articificielle BSF AFD
While French is the official language in the Senegalese school system, only a minority of teachers and pupils speak it as their first language. With support from AFD, the NGO Libraries Without Borders is trialing an AI-powered language learning app with teachers in Dakar and Thiès to help improve academic performance in schools.
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Armed conflicts in Africa: a continent “trapped in stereotypes”?

conflits armes Afrique Angola
What impact do armed conflicts have on the development of African countries, and what lessons can be drawn from the many external interventions aimed at dealing with them? In this article, we interview the two authors of the chapter devoted to these issues in "L’Économie africaine 2025" (“African Economies 2025”), Niagalé Bagayoko, President of the African Security Sector Network, and Élodie Riche, Research Officer at AFD.
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Accelerating electrification and supporting the clean energy transition in Sub-Saharan Africa

Electricité Afrique
With close to 600 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa still living without electricity, the Mission 300 program, an initiative led by the World Bank Group and the African Development Bank, aims to connect 300 million people to the electricity grid by 2030, while also facilitating the transition to clean energy. AFD has committed €1 billion to support this program.
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On the Ground

Latin America invests in renewable energy to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels

Parc solaire Argentine
Having marked the International Day of Clean Energy on January 26, we turn our attention to Latin America, where there is huge potential to ramp up renewable energy use. In Argentina, AFD has established a partnership with the Argentinian bank for investment and foreign trade (BICE), which has contributed to financing seven renewable energy projects in the country to support its clean energy transition.
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On the Ground

Artificial intelligence, a driving force for change in Africa

ia afrique economie africaine 2025
Artificial intelligence (AI) is not only disrupting the technology sector, it is already reshaping the future of Africa. AI is providing solutions to Africa’s major social, economic and environmental challenges, from the health sector to education and agriculture. Its unique potential could prove to be a game-changer for the continent.
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