The project is targeting the mountainous areas depends on rain-fed agriculture, which are susceptible to soil erosion and soil fertility loss. The interventions aim a system wide approach to reduce the pressure on natural resource through conservation of soil and water resources to ensure food security. It has interesting cases, which has a huge capacity to be adopted to the similar agro ecological zones.
The project also aims to increasing and diversifying agricultural production so that families, including those in a precarious situation, can guarantee their food security. In addition, the intervention is preserving land, soil fertility, biodiversity and, more generally, the environment, in order to maintain the productive capacities of family farms.
Depuis 1980, Inter Aide se concentre sur la réalisation de programmes concrets de développement dans les domaines de l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement, l’agriculture, la santé et l’appui scolaire, ciblant des zones rurales isolées, à densité de population élevée, à fort niveau de pauvreté, dans des contextes relativement stables afin d’inscrire les actions dans la durée. Une cinquantaine de programmes dans sept pays permettent de répondre aux besoins vitaux d’environ 1 000 000 de personnes.
Over the next four years (July 2020 – June 2024), the project is expected to achieve the following:
- Create access for 40,000 families to forage species through a massive dissemination of planting materials.
- Effective soil & water conservation through the establishment of vegetated anti-erosion structures and appropriate management of these structures at the level of entire watersheds.
- Soil fertility improvement, diversification of fodder resources (grasses and legumes) and agroforestry practices
- An evaluation of the economic and environmental impact and a gradual scaling up
on the same region
on the same topic