Our research programs

AFD Group research focuses on inequalities, the ecological transition, a “commons” approach to sustainable development, and economic analysis of the countries where we operate. Our research is multidisciplinary and innovative, covering multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It’s structured into signature programs, with a focus on Africa.
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AFD Nos programmes de recherche


In line with AFD’s main financing strategies, our research is focused on five signature programs: ecological transitions, inequalities, the Sahel, commons, and macro-economic analyses. These programs give AFD an original and innovative positioning.


Ecological transitions
Our research teams look into ways to rethink development trajectories by including the social, economic, and environmental aspects in them.
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In this research program, the aim is to better understand inequalities to help public policies deal with them effectively.
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The issue of commons inevitably brings up the questions of public action and exclusive ownership. It’s therefore a relevant line of research for studying the management of common resources.
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In this program, the production of knowledge is developed and promoted in close collaboration with researchers and experts on Sahel issues.
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Macro-economic analyses
A team of economists produces these analyses to help gauge the challenges and monitor the risks associated with each of AFD Group’s investments in the countries where it operates.
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Our studies by theme

The studies and research AFD Group finances cover all our themes of action, including climate, health, inequalities, biodiversity, sustainable cities, energy, and more.

Agriculture and rural development
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Water and sanitation
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Education and training
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Gender equality
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Innovation, digital technology, entrepreneurship
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Health care and social protection
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Sustainable cities
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Our studies by country/region

Our research helps fuel reflection on development trajectories. It also identifies the public policies best suited for the situations and locations under study. The target areas include Africa, Asia (including the Near and Middle East), Latin America and the Caribbean, and the French overseas territories.

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Latin America
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Eurasia and beyond
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Three Oceans
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This map is illustrative and does not list all the projects funded by AFD. Find the complete list of our projects on the opendata.afd.fr portal
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