COP26: The AFD Program

COP26, the 26th annual climate summit, is being held in Glasgow, where world leaders, environmentalists, public development banks and members of the business community engage in talks on climate issues. The 12-day summit will cover issues ranging from deforestation, to providing incentives for renewable energy. The goal is to prevent the planet from warming more than 2 degrees from pre-industrial temperatures – an ambitious objective that requires urgent action, from the protection and restoration of ecosystems, to the mobilization of finance.
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COP26 in Glasgow
when ? where ?
From Sunday 31 October 2021 to Friday 12 November 2021

AFD at COP26 in Glasgow

Present at COP26, AFD will emphasize the importance of green finance and the role of nature in forging fairer and more resilient modes of development. It will also highlight the threats posed to biodiversity and the climate, and indicate solutions that address current global challenges and help build towards a green recovery. 

We will participate on panels discussing a variety of topics including: 

  • Scaling up climate finance to mobilize the trillions of dollars needed in developing countries 
  • Solutions like the "Desert to Power" initiative, which seeks to make the Sahel the world’s largest area for solar energy production 
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation under the Paris Agreement 

Find out about our main events below:

Wednesday 03.11 | Finance Day
Thursday 04.11 | Energy Day
Friday 05.11 | Youth and Public Empowerment
Monday 08.11 | Adaptation, Loss and Damage
Tuesday 09.11 | Gender, Science and Innovation
Wednesday 10.11 | Long-term Strategies
Thursday 11.11| The Role of Public Development Banks
Friday 12.11| Green Budgets, Green Bonds

when ?
From Sunday 31 October 2021 to Friday 12 November 2021
where ?
Président du groupe de référence de l’évaluation, consultant indépendant en énergie, précédemment directeur de la BEI
Le Coguic
Cheffe du département transition énergétique et numérique de l’AFD
Directrice adjointe du département de la stratégie de l’AFD
Le Denmat
Cheffe du département évaluation et apprentissage de l’AFD
Consultant en charge de cette évaluation, EY
Consultant en charge de cette évaluation, EY
Consultante en charge de cette évaluation, EY

Location of the event

Agence Bolivie
Av. Costanerita, esq. Calle 6 de Obrajes n°71