France’s National Biodiversity Plan published on 4 July 2018 has the overall objective of “reconquering biodiversity, a question of survival for our societies”. One of the plan’s actions is to develop research and knowledge about biodiversity, with goals including defining integrative indicators to quantify and map the state of biodiversity. Knowledge about biodiversity and its evolution is both a stimulating field for applying AI research and a major scientific and societal challenge. Artificial intelligence can make significant contributions with new dedicated solutions involving complex systems that incorporate heterogeneous elements and information.
The IA-Biodiv challenge thus aims to support Artificial Intelligence research in the field of biodiversity, by mobilizing cutting-edge French and African research. The challenge is launched by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) in partenership with AFD, relying on a donation from Facebook AI Research, for a global effort of 4.8 million €.
The IA-Biodiv challenge is intended for scientific communities in AI and biodiversity in France and AFD's partner countries in Africa. International consortia will be financed by Expertise France (mandated by AFD) according to the participation modalities for international consortia.
This conference intends to answer all the questions that potential applicants may have in their submission process. There will be two online information sessions:
- on April the 29th from 10:00 to 11:30 pm (moderated by Kamal Dadi & Peter Addo, Innovation unit / head of data Lab)
- on May the 6th from 4:00 to 5:30 pm (moderated by Fanny Lachat).