Strong environmental sustainability and international commitments: setting the right targets to preserve ecosystems

How can we define relevant and effective targets to monitor and implement national commitments towards environmental sustainability?
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Paysage au Vietnam
when ? where ?
The Wednesday 27 April 2022
From 1:00pm to 2:30pm
Logo Research Conversations


We desperately need a framework of environmental standards to define the ‘safe operating space’ for humanity. Strong sustainability can help us defining such a framework. Easily the most difficult is the standard for biodiversity, but standards are also needed for pollution of ecosystems, overexploitation of resources and other anthropogenic pressures. Existing frameworks (and in particular international agreements or environmental standards) provide usable benchmarks for measuring countries' progress towards sustainability, but they are not appropriate in all countries.

Speakers will discuss how to define relevant and effective targets to monitor and implement national commitments towards environmental sustainability.  

The webinar will be held in English.

Register to the webinar


when ?
Wednesday 27 April 2022
From 1:00pm to 2:30pm
where ?
Pr Paul
Ekins OBE
Director of the Institute for Sustainable Resources, University College London
Deputy Head of the Biodiversity and Resources Office, CGDD, Ministry of Ecological Transition
Moderated by Oskar
Research Officer at AFD

Location of the event

Siège de l'AFD
5 rue Roland-Barthes