A Bold New Ambition for France’s International Development Policy

published on 22 July 2021
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National Assembly voting on the Development bill
France’s National Assembly passed new legislation for international development on Tuesday, preparing the way for a rise in overseas assistance to .55% of GDP by next year. Faced with the continuing consequences of the global crisis affecting health sectors, economies and societies worldwide, France has adopted a series of measures that will serve to combat global inequalities and protect global public goods.

The new development and solidarity law replaces the law of orientation and programming on development policy adopted in 2014. 

The new law sets out to: 

  • Address the underlying causes of crises by supporting vulnerable countries, particularly in Africa 
  • Provide France, the fifth largest donor in the world, with the means to combat global inequalities 
  • Raise development assistance from .37% to .55% of GDP
  • Define clear geographic and sectoral priorities
  • Strengthen partnerships to ensure real impact on the ground
  • Reinforce and improve management
  • Create more transparency and better monitoring of results in the field
  • Make French territories hubs for hosting international institutions
  • Improve the system for the restitution of "ill-gotten gains"

To find out more: visit the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs