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During the Finance in Common Summit, the Trade and Development Bank in Eastern and Southern Africa (TDB) and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) committed to gather their effort for a better resilience of the health systems in Africa. 100.2 million euro will be invested to finance infrastructure and equipment projects aimed at strengthening the health system of TDB’s countries of intervention.

The health and economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 has once again highlighted the need to improve health systems, particularly by sustainably strengthening health infrastructures, on a continent where the number of hospital beds per population is insufficient. One of the main weaknesses in this context is the lack of long-term funding to finance the social sectors, especially the health sector.

TDB is one of the leading multilateral development banks in Africa, and a member of IDFC. Its mandate is to promote growth and regional integration in the Eastern and Southern Africa sub-region. Currently with 22 African member states, TDB wishes to develop projects in this sector, in line with the strategies of the governments of its member countries. It is within this framework and following the announcement of the Health in Common initiative that TDB and AFD decided to collaborate in this sector.

A euro 100 million line of credit from AFD to TDB, associated with a euro 200,000 technical assistance, will facilitate the financing of health projects undertaken by the public and private sectors in the regions covered. They will additionally develop TDB's expertise in this sector, which is new for TDB (AFD is the only donor to develop a project with TDB entirely dedicated to the social sector).

The project provides support for the definition of a health strategy for TDB, the implementation of a tool for analysing the impact and viability of projects financed by TDB in this sector and the financing of projects participating in the structuring of the health sector in TDB member countries (health infrastructure and equipment, production and storage of inputs). 

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