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The city of jakarta under water
The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) collaborates with GK Indonesia to implement a Metis fund initiative called "ThinkCity” to support vulnerable communities by bringing art to the sinking areas of Jakarta.

GK Indonesia (Gerakan Kepedulian Indonesia) is an association created in 2011 whose mission is to empower disadvantaged communities by implementing education, health, productivity, infrastructure etc. They support and organize these programs for communities that are relocate due to flooding or areas of unsanitary housing, in what are called Rusunawas (low-income housing areas).

“Think City" is one of AFD and GK Indonesia’s new program financed through the Metis fund – a fund developed by AFD which aims to finance and to strengthen the impact of development policies through art. 
ThinkCity project aims to raise public awareness of the dramatic “sinking” phenomenon in Jakarta. By using street art installations to raise funds for people living in high-risk areas. By highlighting reality, this initiative aims to engage local artists to develop engaging artistic narratives.

Click here to learn more about the Metis initiative 

With the support of AFD, two main activities will be conducted by GK Indonesia : 

  • An artistic demonstration : a dozen street artist present to paint murals on the identified walls  during the event, the murals will be a representation highlighting  the social and environmental issues happening north of the city
  • The involvement of local populations : meeting local populations and create a moment of sharing with the artist and NGOs to understand their needs and their daily reality


Press contact : 

Dian Dwinarti : dwinarti@afd.fr