The Digital Energy Facility, a programme funded by the European Union and implemented by Agence française de développement (AFD), aims to support the digitalization and modernization of the energy sector. The goals are to promote the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid, improve the performance of public power utilities and support universal access to energy. A strong contributor to the programme is the Digital Energy Challenge with an annual call for projects, the first of which in 2021 awarded eight projects in sub-Saharan Africa, enabling the implementation of a smart grid to improve the performance of public providers or solar nanogrids for the electrification of rural areas. This year the Challenge extends to the whole of Africa. For the first time, the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) will participate financially in the Challenge alongside the European Commission.
By targeting the main players in the digital and energy ecosystems in Africa – start-ups on the one hand and public power utilities in partnership with an innovative technology/service provider on the other hand – the call for projects encourages synergies between private and public players. This collaboration will foster the development of innovative technologies and encourage know-how sharing and best-practices. It also plays a key role in improving access to efficient, robust, energy services with a low carbon footprint.
See also: The European Union and AFD work together for a just transition in South Africa
Who can apply?
The Digital Energy Challenge includes two categories:
- The Digital Energy Challenge for Start-ups to help local start-ups scale up their early-stage digital innovations or digital transformation projects for better energy access and improved energy services.
- The Digital Energy Challenge for Utilities for projects stemming from partnerships between public power utilities and private players, thus supporting local utilities in the testing and implementation of digital innovations provided by technology or service suppliers.
What are the benefits for Digital Energy Challenge winners?
A dozen projects will benefit from technical and financial support thanks to a budget of 2 million euros.
Challenge winners will benefit from:
- Project funding in the form of a grant for equipment and software purchases, training, recruitment for start-ups and the purchase of products and services from a technology/service partner for power utilities;
- Technical assistance which can include project management, strategic and technical expertise, and accounting or reporting support on a case-by-case basis;
- A two-day bootcamp with sectorial experts to support project implementation and encourage synergies and best-practice sharing between winners;
- Increased visibility through widespread communication campaigns driven by AFD on social media and via its partners, during the award and bootcamp phases.
What are the main eligibility criteria?
All projects must have a digital component (telecom, computer or cloud) as a core element. In addition, the project must be innovative, either intrinsically or with regard to the local market or country. Finally, the project must be local, that is to say, the project owner must be headquartered or have management activities in the country where the project takes place.
What business activities are included in the scope of the Challenge?
The 2022 call for projects focuses on three themes:
- Universal electricity access through mini-grids
- Efficient grid management
- Sustainable and cost-effective power systems
Candidates can download the application pack online here for start-ups and here for power utilities, and must upload their application online by 30th Avril 2022, for start-ups here and for power utilities here.
To request more information or for any question, please contact us.
The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of AFD and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

This project is carried out with the support of the European Union