The development of the agricultural and rural sector is essential in achieving global objectives for reducing inequalities and protecting populations against economic shocks. This sector is also a major source of economic growth for most low-income countries, where a significant proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) and employment rely on agriculture.
However, the agriculture and rural sector has a limited capacity to generate growth and reduce inequalities if the actors in this ecosystem do not have access to financial services tailored to their needs: credit, payment, savings, insurance…
Access for rural actors to formal financial services is essential for making the investments required for the development of their activity, but also for managing risks and improving their resilience capacity. The impacts of climate change also penalize agricultural production and increase the risks of food insecurity, which encourages actors to take actions to strengthen the resilience of territories. As agricultural activity, the exploitation of forests and changes in land use are responsible for a significant share of climate change, financing sustainable practices and preserving natural resources will contribute to mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
To ensure that rural stakeholders have access to adapted financial services as well as customized technical support, AGREENFI provides local financial institutions with financial resources and technical assistance, enabling the transformation of their practices to promote a more sustainable model of agricultural development. It represents a collaborative effort to reduce territorial inequalities and support shared growth.