Call for Proposals

Urban Fabric Initiative (UFI) Nairobi under the second Kenya Informal Settlement Improvement Program (KISIP 2)

Within the frame of Kenya Informal Settlement Improvement Program (KISIP 2), AFD is launching a call for proposals for the Urban Fabric Initiative (UFI) in Nairobi. The aim is to fund small-scale public space upgrading and community infrastructure projects co-designed and co-produced by residents and urban stakeholders, and implemented in close collaboration with local and national authorities (counties, NMS, KISIP). The call is open until February 11th, 2022, at noon (EAT).
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The second Kenyan Improvement of informal settlement program (KISIP2) was launched in 2020 by the Government of Kenya, with the support of the World Bank and AFD. KISIP 2 was planned as a follow up of the first KISIP (2010-2020), which resulted in improving the living conditions of more than 1.6 Millions people residing in 35 informal settlements located in 15 urban centres of the country. 

The general objectives of the KISIP 2 is to improve access to basic services and tenure security for residents in selected informal settlements and to strengthen institutional capacity for slum upgrading in Kenya. The

KISIP 2 is organized in 4 components as follows:

  • Component 1: Integrated Settlement Upgrading (component 1.1: Tenure regularization ; component 1.2: Investing in Infrastructure and Service Delivery)
  • Component 2: Socio-economic Inclusion Planning
  • Component 3: Institutional Capacity Development for Slum Upgrading
  • Component 4: Program Management and Coordination

The UFI initiative has the ambition to test new modalities of implementation related to the component 2 of the KISIP 2. The objective of the UFI Nairobi is to improve the quality of life and space for vulnerable groups of informal settlements through concrete, rapid, cost-effective and creative actions.

The UFI Nairobi will promote: 

  • collaborative, creative and innovative approaches to urban projects involving all stakeholders (KISIP, NMS, local government, civil society and residents) through a partnership-based and participatory approach , to test a (replicable) methodology for designing and managing social/community infrastructure and upgrading projects;
  • the appropriation of urban upgrading and infrastructure projects implemented by the KISIP 1 and 2 and the participation of all stakeholders in planning and project delivery;
  • local development in the perimeter of the project by unlocking the potential for social inclusion, training and income-generation and catalysing rapid collective action;
  • learning from and building on existing experiences and know-how of participatory city-making and settlement upgrading implemented by various CSOs, CBOs, urban professionals and project operators, and local and national authorities in Nairobi and Kenya; 
  • capacity building of the main stakeholders (CSOs, CBOs, KISIP, NMS, counties).

Eligible project proponents:

The UFI aims to identify and grant funding to a development project led by organizations defined as: 

  • international and national organizations, alone or in partnership with other organizations, particularly local ones;
  • with previous experience in the target region; 
  • with experience in implementing projects related to urban development, urban mobility and urban governance ;
  • able to demonstrate their ability to manage, coordinate and implement large scale/ complex projects. 

This Call is open to CSOs and CBOs. 

To be eligible, CSOs or the consortium leader will have to ensure that the budget of the submitted project should not represent more than 70% of their annual resources over the last 3 certified financial years.
National and international organizations are encouraged to develop their proposal in consultation with the national/local authorities of the countries concerned by the Call.

Geographical areas : 

The UFI will be implemented Nairobi and in settlements that were upgraded under KISIP 1 and/or will undergo intervention under KISIP 2. At least 3 and maximum 6 settlements should be targeted by the UFI Nairobi. 

The KISIP II target settlements upgraded under KISIP 1 include: 

  • Kahawa Soweto
  • KCC Village
  • Embakasi Sokono
  • Kambi Moto
  • Kayole Soweto

Other settlements considered for KISIP 2 include:

  • Huruma Fire victim
  • Pumwani-Majengo
  • Spring Valley in Kayole
  • Matopeni in Kayole
  • Redeem
  • City Castle in BuruBuru
  • Mathare Fire victim
  • Esgorogoro in Karen
  • Huruma in Runda

Sectors of activity concerned: 

UFIs combine temporary urbanism and placemaking approaches with a focus on public space upgrading (testing street furniture, greening,…), improved walkability (testing pedestrian traffic on a crossroads, materialising public transport stops) or community infrastructure (a stage, mobile library on a future cultural facility site, ...). In the long term, UFIs are intended to shift the methods employed in urban projects towards more participation, agility, improved governance with civil society and a better integration of residents’ needs, particularly regarding the functional programming and design of the facilities to be delivered. 

Examples of micro-projects and urban upgrading initiatives that could emerge from the UFI:

  • Development of spaces dedicated to future sports facilities and organization of sports events;
  • Facilitation of cultural and artistic events in the public space and in the spaces dedicated to the future cultural facilities; 
  • Development of (multipurpose) public or green spaces (prefiguration of the sports trail with the residents, temporary development of a recreational garden with recycled materials, spaces mixing economic and recreational uses);
  • Installation of permanent, temporary or mobile equipment and facilities (a kiosk or food stall for example);
  • Citizen digital communication tools for neighbourhood management;
  • Creation of educational facilities (fablabs, mobile library).

Available budget: 

A budget of 750,000€ is dedicated to this UFI project and will be granted to one proposal only; this amount may not represent more than 90% of the total budget inclusive of all applicable taxes. 

At least 60% of the total budget must be dedicated to the project activities and investments into the settlements. The HR cost of the project shall not exceed 30% of the total project cost. At least 2% of the total project cost shall be dedicated to external audit, monitoring and evaluation.

Project duration: 

The maximum duration for the completion of the UFI project is 24 months. The project calendar should take into account the calendar of the KISIP 2 and align with it whenever possible and relevant. 



  • Launch of the call for proposals: 14/01/2022
  • Closing date for requests for clarification: 01/02/2022 
  • Closing of the call for proposals: 11/02/2022 (noon – EAT)
  • Evaluation committee meeting: 23/02/2022 - Evaluation committee will meet  to review the different proposals received. Each organization that has been selected by the evaluation committee will be informed by e-mail, that will set out the timeline for appraisal and will serve as a basis for the negotiation.
  • Negotiation meetings: 02/03/2022 - As soon as it receives notification of the selection, the organization will be able to begin the process of building its final proposal, presented in a revised final project note. For this purpose, it will enter into a dialogue with AFD.
  • Reception of the final proposal by the organization: 09/03/2022
  • Signature of the financial agreement with the selected organization: 08/04/2022

Submit a project

  1. Download the terms of reference of the Call for Proposals and the financial template
  2. Prepare all the requested documents (listed in the terms of reference)
  3. Fill in the online form :