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AFD is supporting the technical partnership between Electricité de France (EDF) and Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) to improve emergency management and reduce power grid failures in the country's southern zone.

The southern electricity grid serving the Maputo region has not been sized for the rapid growth in electricity demand that has been experienced in the area for several years, and which is expected to accelerate by 2025. As a result, the network is overloaded and insecure, compromising the reliability of electricity service.  


The technical assistance provided by EDF targets network management issues and the improvement of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system (SCADA).  In particular, the support focuses on improving : 

  • the operating conditions of the electrical system ;
  • the ability to restore the electrical system;
  • technical skills and management of operating, transmission, planning and production technicians

The actions carried out consist of:

- A series of system studies and audits to analyze failures and improve system configuration:

  • Adjustment and coordination studies of EDM's high voltage network protection system;
  • Technical audits on strategic substations;
  • Monitoring of critical transformers and improvement of system simulation studies;
  • Evaluation of the performance and efficiency of hydroelectric facilities, which are a key element of EDM's network stability.

- Training actions for the technicians to gain competence, focused on

  • Management of the transmission network;
  • Training in the calculation, coordination and configuration of protections,; 
  • SCADA and telecommunications

This operation will enable EDM to improve its network management, and should thus prevent it from suffering another widespread blackout of the type experienced in June 2020. The operation with AFD's long-standing partner in Mozambique is an echo of the projects financed by AFD in the generation, distribution and management sectors.

Project start date
2 years
Duration of funding
Province of Maputo
10 000 000
Financing amount
Republic of Mozambique