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Réutilisation des eaux usées à Misilya en Palestine
The West Bank suffers from a low sanitation cover, most of the wastewater is discharge into natural environment without treatment and the Palestinian Authority does not benefit from its reuse potential. To face this challenge, the Palestinian Water Authority has developed a strategy with a double objective: increasing the sanitation infrastructures and reach a level of 100% of reuse of treated wastewater for agricultural purpose. The “Misilya Waste Water Treatment Plant corrective measures and reuse scheme” project is in line with this strategy by setting up a sustainable management system for the treated effluents including reuse for agriculture.

Only 35% of the population in the West Bank is connected to a sewage network, which is not always connected to a wastewater treatment plant.

The current situation set a major drawback for the population and the Palestinian Authority (PA), with the large amount of untreated wastewater discharged into the natural environment, that represents a major environmental and health risk.


Misilya Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), funded by AFD, has been commissioned in 2018. In 2019, The WWTP system faced several issues that led to the resurgence of treated effluents at the outlet, and the uncontrolled flow of these effluents onto olive trees plots downstream.

The overall objective of this additional financing is to ensure the sustainability of the sanitation facilities and the proper management of the treated effluents. It also aims at saving groundwater resources by making treated wastewater available to farmers in the area.

The specific objectives of this additional financing are to ensure the proper functioning of the wastewater treatment plant by limiting rainwater intrusion into the sewerage system and to set up a sustainable management system for the treated effluents including reuse for agriculture.

For thus, the project includes two components: an upstream WWTP component with corrective works to limit rainwater intrusion in the wastewater network and a downstream WWTP component with the creation of an infiltration system to manage part of the outlet, the creation of a reuse scheme including different storage tanks to store water during winter, pumping system and irrigation network.


This additional funding will ensure the continued operation of the Misilya sewage system, benefiting 3,000 people connected to date. It will also make an additional 22,000 m3 per year of treated wastewater available to farmers in the area, allowing them to irrigate 2.2 hectares, thus reducing the amount of water drawn from the aquifer for irrigation. The volume of treated wastewater reused by farmers will increase to a total of 30,000 m3 per year (8,000 m3 already reused in 2020).

This project meets climate change adaptation requirements by allowing the reuse of treated wastewater for agriculture in a context of high water stress.

Project start date
3 years
Duration of funding
Misilya / Jenin governorate
Financing tool
1 500 000
Amount of the program
Habitants de Misilya, 3 000 personnes