Kisumu is the third biggest city in Kenya with a population of about 600,000.
AFD’s intervention in Kisumu began in 2005 with the rehabilitation of the water and sanitation network.
At that time, about 50% of the population had no access to the water which was also of poor quality and high cost. Only 8% of the residents benefited from a continuous water supply.
The Kisumu Water and Sanitation Project (39M€) was completed in 2015.
The Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Project (LVWATSAN) Kisumu is thus the following project that aims at further improving and expanding the water and sanitation network of the city.
The components of the project are as follows:
Rehabilitation and extension of the sanitation systems (Nyalenda Ponds, sewerage network);
Construction of a new wastewater treatment plant at Otonglo;
Capacity building of the Lake Victoria South Water Services Board and Kisumu Water and Sewerage Company (KIWASCO), the utility responsible for managing water and sanitation services;
Extension of the water network in informal settlements and the urban centres of Ahero, Maseno and Darajambili;
Setting up a system for monitoring the quality of Lake Victoria.
The impacts of this project are as follows:
Increasing water coverage to 80%;
Increasing sanitation coverage to 80 %;
Ensure a continuous supply of water 24 hours/ 7 days;
Improving water quality and ensure compliance with WHO standards.
Produce a water resources and wastewater master plan for Kisumu County.
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