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The reform of the power sector is one of the main pillars of Nigeria’s growth strategy. AFD contributes to its success by supporting the modernization of training in the sector.

The Nigerian electric power sector is at the heart of the Nigeria Vision 20:2020 development plan, and has a strong growth and innovation potential. 

By 2020, the Government seeks to raising the national electricity production to 10 gigawatts, its current power generation capacity being 4,5 gigawatts. To reach this goal, the country relies on an ambitious reform and privatization program. 

To support this strategy and address a massive and urgent need for skills upgrade, the Federal Government of Nigeria created in 2009 a public training institution, the National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN), structured around a network of 9 regional centers for initial and on-the-job training. 

Nigerian authorities have solicited AFD, to turn NAPTIN into a competitive and sustainable operator, in line with the thrust of the sector reform. 


The modernization of the National Power Training Institute of Nigeria Project  (NAPTIN) intends to reshape NAPTIN’s program range, governance and economic model, so that it can provide qualified professionals to private or public corporations in the electricity sector. 

The project has three main objectives: 

  • redesign NAPTIN’s training programs, expanding the range of courses tailored to the needs of the industry and authorities, and train  instructors and certified electricians;
  • revamp NAPTIN’s infrastructures and equipment: the project plans to acquire and install new equipment, to build and rehabilitate technical facilities, rooms and accommodation blocks…;
  • reform the governance of the NAPTIN network, including its corporate structure, business model and organization.
  • Better human capital and technical standards.
  • Higher employability and mobility of human resources.
  • Revigorate institutional sustainability of NAPTIN.
Project start date
Project end date
8 years
Duration of funding
Abuja, Nigeria
42 600 000
USD soit
8 699 999
Financing amount
National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN)

The content of this project information sheet falls under the sole responsibility of the AFD and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the European Union.