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15 years of partnership building between

In a world where geopolitical, economic and democratic tensions are mounting, we are at the same time witnessing greater cooperation on actions to counter vulnerabilities and protect the global commons. In this arena of international cooperation, civil society organisations (CSOs) are playing a crucial role. They know how to intervene in crisis situations where no one else sets foot. They are vital relays for raising awareness, taking action and mobilising on our collective challenges and emergent themes, even “orphan” topics overlooked by public or private players. Convinced of the strength that these organisations embody for supporting sustainable and inclusive development trajectories, the Agence française de développement (AFD) is investing in partnerships and operational relationships with a vast diversity of CSOs, through an extensive range of tools. This year, we are celebrating the 15th anniversary of the CSO Initiatives mechanism – the opportunity to take stock of our partnership with civil society in the present study.  


pdf : 2.66 MB
author(s) :
Jean-Martial Bonis Charancle,
Martin Vielajus,
Youssouf Cissé,
Marine Michau,
Dörte Pommerening.
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available also in : fr en
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