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2022 TCFD Report (Task-Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure)

The TCFD (Task-Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure), a working group on the publication of climate-related financial information, aims to improve the financial transparency of companies regarding climate. The publication of a TCFD report every two years is one of the pillars of AFD Group’s commitment to transparency and accountability on climate challenges

As a financial institution, AFD Group is subject to French and European regulations on climate financial risks. The Group gives a central place to climate-related opportunities and risks in governance, dialogue with customers and partners, the choice of financed operations and the various indicators for managing its activity, in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. This is what this second TCFD report establishes and documents, in order to allow regular exchanges on these topics with all counterparts.

In 2022, in terms of climate finance, AFD Group once again exceeded its objectives, with a record volume of 6.9 billion Euros of climate finance committed in developing countries and in the French overseas territories, including 2.2 billion Euros, or about a third, dedicated to adaptation.  In addition, the Group is also pursuing its action in the field of sustainable bonds. After an inaugural issue in 2020, AFD Group achieved 48% and 47% of its 2021 and 2022 programmes respectively in thematic bonds.

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