Economic and Financial Transition - 2021-2025 Strategy

published in March 2021
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Economic and Financial Transition - 2021-2025 Strategy

The financial and economic transition designates a process through which an economy is transformed in order to build sustainable long-term economic, social and environmental balances. To respond more effectively to these challenges and the requests from its partners, AFD Group has adopted an Economic and Financial Transition Strategy that places its action within the framework of the AFD Group 2018-2022 Strategy.

It is based on three commitments that will serve as markers for all the operations that the Group will carry out in respect of the Economic and Financial Transition:

  • “Commitment to Inclusion”: as a fundamental goal of the 2030 Development Agenda, this involves promoting economic and financial systems that further a balanced distribution of resources and ensure the economic insertion of excluded populations, particularly women. Special attention will be paid to contexts of crisis and fragility.
  • “Commitment to resource efficiency”: by adopting a selective approach in compliance with the 100 % Paris Agreement commitment, this means supporting financial systems that ensure a sustainable and efficient use of resources. AFD Group will also support economic and financial actors that initiate processes to structurally transform their models so as to integrate sustainable pathways.
  • “Commitment to Resilience”: in a context marked by recurrent crises, this involves strengthening the actors’ capacities to anticipate, manage risks and adapt in order to tackle eventual economic, financial and environmental crises.

AFD, Proparco and Expertise France will be mobilised to implement this strategy, which will be adapted to local context, in line with the Group’s geographic priorities.

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