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Energy Transition - 2021 Activity Report

After a year marked by the health crisis and a decline in activity in 2020, AFD Group has returned to a level of commitments in the energy sector on par with previous years. In 2021, €2.2 billion of financing was allocated in the sector, including almost €2 billion by AFD and some €200 million by Proparco.

One of the highlights of 2021 was the near doubling of commitments in the field of renewable energies, in a wide range of technologies, countries and financial tools. In the energy efficiency sector, the Program for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB) continues to be successfully implemented and has maintained a good level of commitments. In 2021, efforts were also stepped up with regard to public policy dialogue and support for long-term decarbonization strategies.

The publication of the mid-term review of the Energy Transition Strategy rounded out the year and confirmed the themes and manifold drivers of the strategy first adopted in 2019. It also prompted us to be more focused on integrating climate concerns in our commitments, with the end to gas financing for power generation announced at COP26 in Glasgow. This commitment makes AFD one of the pioneering institutions for the climate.

Download the activity report available below to find out more about AFD Group's action in favor of the energy sector in 2021.

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