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As a specific mechanism for financing and supporting innovation-focused projects, the FISONG (Facilité d'innovation sectorielle  pour les organisations non gouvernementales,  or Sectoral Innovation Facility for Non- Governmental Organizations) is a tool that AFD (Agence Française de Développement, or French Development Agency) has had at its disposal since 2008. A laboratory for testing new ways of doing things, the FISONG focuses on support-ing new innovative technical processes and new organizational structures (partnerships, organizations, etc.). Projects are supported via a learning-based approach, with significant follow-up/evaluation/experience capitalization activities for implemented projects, and there is an expectation that any actions supported will have a multiplier effect.

pdf : 810.85 KB
author(s) :
Aude Defasy
Benoît Giffard (Cabinet Pluricité)
Marie-Alice Torre (Cabinet Pluricité)
coordinator :
Camille Laporte (AFD), Bruno de Reviers (AFD)
collection :
issn :
pages :
number :
available also in : fr en
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