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Evaluation Summary - First phase of the Municipal Development Program (MDP), West Bank and Gaza

In the West Bank and Gaza, the first phase of the Municipal Development Program (MDP) was subject to an evaluation in June 2015.

The MDP is managed by the Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF) and aims at implementing the Palestinian Local Government Support Strategy in order to improve the local management of municipalities through greater fiscal and administrative autonomy.

The MDP was rated satisfactory for all criteria except sustainability. During the first phase of the MDP all expected outcomes were achieved. This phase had a significant impact on the operational, financial and administrative capacities at municipal level. However, the absence of a comprehensive legal framework for the MDLF cast a shadow on the program’s sustainability and possible institutionalization. The evaluation urges program stakeholders to further consider the specific constraints of a fragile and occupied situation when formulating objectives.

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author(s) :
Patricia Huyghebaert, GRET & BOI
Didier Nech, GRET & BOI
Abeer Mashni, GRET & BOI
available also in : en
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