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Evaluation Summary - Northwest irrigation sector project, Cambodia

In Cambodia, for the “Agricultural water resources” sector, Northwest irrigation sector project was subject to an evaluation in September 2014.

The Northwest region of Cambodia includes a wide rural area where the population mainly depends on agriculture. Agricultural diversity is very low and the main crop is rice. Each year during the dry season, there is a water shortage. The region continues to suffer the consequences of the many years of war, such as damaged and under-maintained infrastructures.

The agricultural, economic and social impacts of the project are less significant than expected. If there has been indeed a rise in rice production, it only amounts to 36% of the initial target and to 67% of the more modest target set during the course of the project. The project sustainability is put into doubt by several factors, including the low capacities of the Government of Cambodia and increasing climate change risks.

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Advancing Engineering Consultants Ltd
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