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Evaluation Summary - Solid waste management in the Pacific initiative

In the South Pacific region, for the “Waste management and disposal” sector, Solid waste management in the Pacific initiative was subject to an evaluation in January 2017.

The project was implemented to respond to the limited capacity demonstrated to effectively address the issue of waste disposal in the Pacific. It was implemented within the framework defined by a regional strategy for coordinated action. It aimed at enhancing the waste managing capacities of the Secretariat of the Pacific regional environment programme (SPREP) and of Pacific islanders.

The evaluation noted the project’s relevance in addressing this priority issue. The solid waste management training component was a success, albeit offset by the failure of the waste oil component to achieve the anticipated outcomes. Although specific results were not achieved, the technical assistance provided SPREP with enhanced capacities. The project would have benefited from proactive risk identification, a contingency allowance and a clear sustainability strategy.

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Tonkin & Taylor International Ltd
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