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Health and Social Protection - 2021 Activity Report

The Covid-19 epidemic is a reminder to us all of the critical importance of health and social protection in a world threatened by environmental crises. The multidimensional and long-lasting nature of this crisis jeopardizes the progress made in recent years in development and our collective capacity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We have witnessed an increase in poverty, destabilization in health systems, and a rollback in women’s sexual and reproductive health rights. To address these challenges, development actors must be mobilized urgently.

As a development finance institution, AFD remains committed to improving the resilience and adaptability of health and social protection systems, with the goals of mitigating the effects of the current crisis and anticipating future crises. AFD committed 826 million euros in 2021 in the health and social protection sectors. Thanks to the projects financed in 2021, 52 million people will have better access to care.

Download the activity report available below to find out more.

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