The challenge in the sector: Contribute to the achievement of the SDGs while adhering to low-carbon and resilient development trajectories
Mobility is determined by individual choices made by a multitude of free economic actors, who are part of a “mobility system” combining infrastructures, associated services and a regulatory framework. As a result, we need to pull all of these levers to enable
mobility systems to meet two main challenges:
- sectoral challenges linked to a fast-growing demand for mobility in a context of exploding urbanisation and trade between the major economic regions being re-balanced worldwide;
- external challenges: the fight against climate change and air pollution, the new energy paradigm and the digital revolution, the combination of these leading to new economic models and organisational frameworks.
To better address these challenges, AFD Group has adopted a new “Mobility and Transport” sectoral intervention framework which derives its “Territorial and Ecological Transition” strategy at a sector-specific level and reflects the main objectives of its new Strategy Orientation Plan (POS).
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