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Vietnam  -2021-2025 Strategy

Even though Vietnam was one of the world’s poorest countries in the mid-1980s, it achieved LMIC status in 2010. Vietnam has initiated its transition to a low-carbon trajectory, but remains economically vulnerable and highly exposed to natural hazards whose impacts are, and will be, accentuated by the effects of climate change.

AFD Group will strive to meet Vietnam’s expectations (financing and expertise) and France’s priorities. It will pursue the following objective for the 2021-2025 period: to support Vietnam in implementing the Paris Agreement and its COP26 pledges, working towards a low-carbon and sustainable development trajectory. To achieve this end goal, our strategy will be structured around three operational objectives and will rely on targeted partnerships:

  • Contribute to raising public policy ambitions and capacities at national and provincial levels, which includes: leveraging the GEMMES programme to actively participate in public policy dialogues on climate, sectoral policy development, strengthening the capacity of the central and provincial authorities, and sharing and producing knowledge.
  • Support Vietnam in its transition to a low-carbon trajectory and fulfilling its pledges under COP26
  • Promote the development of inclusive, ecological and resilient cities and territories.

Download the document available below to find out more.

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