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WATER 2021

Water is central to the balance of eco­systems and societies and an essen­tial factor for biodiversity, food secu­rity, health, gender equality – and even peace. Water resources are under pressure from the combined effects of population growth and climate change : some four billion people already live in areas affected by shortages and the quality of water bodies is threatened everywhere. Water-related disasters are also an increasing source of humanitarian disasters. 

The United Nations recognized the human right to access to water and sanitation in 2010, but there is still much pro­gress to be made: two billion people do not have access to a quality drinking water service at home and almost one person in two does not have adequate sanitation. The major impact of these services on public health has been further highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic. 

To address these challenges, AFD Group provides solu­tions that aim to reconcile the satisfaction of human and environmental needs and build the resilience of territories and people. We finance the construction of infrastructure, the development of nature-based solutions and the establi­shment of institutions and quality water and sanitation ser­vices for the benefit of all, including the most vulnerable. 

In 2021, AFD Group committed €1 billion to the water and sanitation sector, i.e. 8% of the Group's commitments. See the key figures behind AFD work in the 2021 Activity Report.

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