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Jordan’s capital Amman hosted, in October 2021, the 9th edition of the “Baladk Street & Urban Art Festival”, organized by Al Balad Theater. The international and local artists participating in this year’s festival were given the challenge of bringing to life the themes of water scarcity, the right of accessing public parks and the right of having more urban parks in Amman. After partnering with the previous editions in 2018 and 2019, Agence Française de Développement (AFD) decided to renew its support to the festival to raise awareness, among the local communities and specifically the young populations, on the various themes it brings up and more specifically the sensitive and pressing issue of “water scarcity”. Since the 60’s, water availability and supply have become a pressing concern for Jordan. AFD provides continuous support to Jordan to improve water management. We strongly believe that street and urban art provides an opportunity for people to take ownership of public spaces and illustrates collective concern, thus becoming actors of change.

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