Socio-Economic Impacts of Climate Change in Vietnam

What are the stakes of climate impacts by 2050 in Vietnam? What can we learn from the GEMMES research project? What are the lessons to be learned for the public policy dialogue with the Vietnamese government?
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Improvement of the urban environment of small and medium-sized towns in Vietnam
when ? where ?
The Wednesday 10 November 2021
From 10am to 11:30am
Research Conversations


In Vietnam, one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change, AFD is conducting a research project, GEMMES Vietnam, in partnership with IRD, and funded by the 2050 Facility, to assess the socio-economic impacts on the country and adaptation strategies to cope with them. This project contributes to the public policy dialogue with the Vietnamese government through the production of new scientific results by an interdisciplinary team of Vietnamese, French and international researchers. The latter has placed adaptation at the heart of its strategy, particularly in the Mekong Delta region, but also through the national adaptation plan, its five- and ten-year strategic investment plans, and finally in the framework of its national contributions (NDC).

The GEMMES Vietnam project is proposing a mid-term report in 4 parts and 13 chapters for COP26, addressing all these dimensions, from spatialized climate scenarios to macroeconomic damage, including sectoral and public policies for adaptation and mitigation of impacts on the country's most vulnerable populations. This report, supported by AFD and the Ministry of Environment of Vietnam, and financed by the 2050 Facility, in partnership with IRD, offers a unique prospective exercise on the challenges of climate impacts by 2050.

This event will be held on November 10, 2021 from 10 am to 11:30 am (CET). Discussions will be held in English.



→ Register to the event online:



when ?
Wednesday 10 November 2021
From 10am to 11:30am
where ?
Senior Economist, AFD
Climate Change Research officer, AFD
Economist, INRAE/TSE
Thi Thu Ha
Economist, IRD/Université de Rouen
Climate scientist, USTH/IPCC
Anthropolog, USSH/IRD

Location of the event

5 rue Roland Barthes